

Bow Family Dentistry has been treating patients in the area for over 30 years. We see 3 generations of families and love treating everything for children’s first visit to ortho to dentures and everything in between! Our goal of creating happy lifetime patients has become literal for good reason!

New Patient Online Offer


Initial Cosmetic Consult
($175 Value!)

New Patient Online Offer


Initial Cosmetic Consult
($175 Value!)

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Here are some of the ways we take care of you and your family:

Gum Disease Treatment

Treatment for Gum disease, also known as PERIODONTAL INFECTION, is needed when there is any sign of bleeding (infection) when you brush or floss or when measuring of the gums is done at your cleaning. Bleeding is a sign that bacteria is causing destruction of the jaw bone and gum tissues and the body is responding with inflammatory cells. Most of the time, treatment for this is a deep cleaning and chemical (anti microbial) flushing out of the bacteria. In severe cases, surgery or tooth extraction can be needed.

Much research has been done that links oral bacteria with many systemic diseases like coronary heart disease, low birth weight babies, dementia, diabetes and so on.

Our Periodontal Protocol here at Bow Family Dentistry once diagnosed includes Salivary Testing to see which bacteria you have so that we can tailor your treatment specifically to your needs. Most of the time, deep cleanings are next, one side at a time so that you are completely numb and pain-free. These appointments are timed so that IF you need antibiotic coverage during your cleaning, you are covered for both appointments. Home care is reviewed at each step.

Why Would I Need Systemic Antibiotic for a Dental Cleaning?

If your bacteria levels are above the reference lines, it is strongly recommended you take antibiotics during your cleaning appointments so that your body/immune system isn’t working too hard when all that bacteria is in your bloodstream after your cleaning. After both sides of your mouth are deep cleaning, you have another appointment to irrigate with antimicrobial medicine your gum tissue. This is also another visit where home care is discussed in detail to make sure you are aware of what is needed to keep everything clean. Depending on how you take care of everything from here on out every day, you can either go into the maintenance phase, or need deep cleaning periodically. We will test your saliva periodically or if you show more signs of bleeding.At our office, we use clinical laboratory services from OralDNA Labs® to ensure we are giving our patients the best oral health information possible. OralDNA Labs® is a specialty diagnostics company designed to provide reliable, definitive and cost effective clinical tests that guide oral health professionals in detecting and prognosing disease at an earlier, more treatable stage.

Routine Dental Cleanings

Our talented hygienists provide cleanings for healthy mouths with no bleeding. This can be maintained with twice daily 2 minute brushing, daily flossing and often using a WaterPik as well. Any bleeding from your gums is a sign of infection and never to be ignored!

Children’s Dentistry Ages 3+

We are happy to see your children for cleanings starting around age 3. This is usually when they can sit in the chair for about 20 minutes and enjoy the attention and excitement of their own visit.

Children’s First Visit

Believe it or not, a child can be brought in for an initial exam as soon as a tooth shows in the mouth! This is usually around age 6 months or so. This visit is more for education for the caregivers and reviewing home care, diet and nutrition for everyone in the home. We love to discuss thumb sucking, pacifiers, bottles and sippy cups, airway and so many other dental health subjects!

Sports Mouthguards

We are happy to help prevent injuries to your teen’s gorgeous smiles! We can take quick and easy scans of their teeth and either 3D print or receive from the lab a custom mouthguard that will protect your orthodontic investment through many years of sports in a more comfortable way than over the counter mouthguards ever can.

Emergency Dentistry

At Bow Family Dentistry, we strive to provide comprehensive care to all of our patients. We prefer for everyone to become an established patient, have all the necessary radiographs and new patient comprehensive exam, and the appropriate cleaning.

That being said, we understand that there are some things that can get in the way of that, for example, dental anxiety, time, finances, and pain. Our goal is to provide such exceptional services that everyone feels so comfortable that they will become part of our family of patients once they meet us. For this reason, we now accept new patients for emergency treatment.

You can become a new patient with us in 2 different ways. You can come in for an emergency and get treatment for it, depending on the day and how much information we have beforehand. The more info we have, including a picture and any xrays you might have, the better.

You can also come in as a new patient for a comprehensive exam and xrays, and have your emergency taken care of that day as well, as long as we are able, and have as much information about it beforehand as possible including pictures and any xrays you might have.

Broken or chipped tooth?

Take a few pictures, let us know where in the mouth it is and when it happened. Symptoms like sensitivity are very important to report to us.

Tooth pain?

Let us know where in the mouth it is and when it started. Symptoms like hot or cold sensitivity are very important to report to us. Send us a picture of the area. Is is constant or only sometimes?

Infection or swelling?

Let us know where in the mouth it is and when it started. Symptoms like hot and cold sensitivity are very important to report to us. Make sure you tell us how long it has been there and if you are having ANY trouble breathing or swallowing.

Sedation Dentistry

We are happy to provide minimal sedation here at Bow Family Dentistry. We use either Nitrous Oxide (laughing gas) or oral sedation medication to make your visit easier. If you take an oral medication, it is required for you to have a driver with you at the appointment. For some people, this can be the difference between a lifetime of pain and a healthy mouth and we are proud to be able to make a difference for you.

Botox Dentistry

Uses of Botox in dentistry can be for pain and headaches but also esthetics. Your doctor has done over 100 hours of continuing education in order to bring you Botox for dentistry, Dermal Fillers, and Trigger Point injections. COMING SOON.

Sleep Apnea | Snoring

Sleep Apnea is a serious disease that left untreated, can have complications that affect your life in all aspects. We take sleep apnea and snoring very seriously here at Bow Family Dentistry. If you find that you are excessively tired during the day, your sleep partner tells you that you stop breathing during the night, or your snoring keeps you up at night, a sleep study is the gold standard of treatment for you.

If you can’t wear a CPAP machine, sometimes a sleep appliance can help you. We offer several types of sleep appliances at Bow Family Dentistry depending on your symptoms. Talk to us at your next visit or call and speak to us about your sleep problems!

TMJ / TMD Treatment

The TMJ, also known as the TemporoMandibularJoint, is a complex system comprised of our jaw joint, head, neck and chewing muscles, teeth and a disc. Also known for short as the Jaw Joint, it is a complex articulation of muscles, bones and a cartilagenous disc that all need to work together with your bite (or occlusion) in order to work properly

TMD is is actually TemporoMandibular Joint Disorder, when the system with the joint, the muscles, the occlusion and the disc is not working together properly.

There are many different treatments for TMD depending on your symptoms and the cause; you and your doctor together can form a treatment plan that works for you.

Hours of Operation


8:15am – 5:00pm

9:15am – 5:00pm
